The Local Data Action Solutions Initiative supported sub-national actors in engaging with the SDGs through local monitoring.

The Local Data Action Solutions Initiative (LDA-SI) was a crossover project between SDSN's USA-Sustainable Cities Initiative (USA-SCI) and TReNDS. It aimed to create a library of case studies and technical knowledge documenting how to engage with and monitor the SDGs at city and regional levels. Knowledge was curated in consultation with city staff, technical partners, and other stakeholders.

This global initiative stemmed from initial work under USA-SCI supporting SDG data initiatives in the U.S. cities of San José, California, Baltimore, Maryland, and New York, New York. Read on for more on LDA-SI, and learn more about USA-SCI’s work here.


Focus Areas

Indicator localization

What functional and feasible sub-national data indicators can promote SDG action and achievement?

Data platforms

Identifying data dashboard models to provide granular data on SDG or SDG-aligned indicators.

Third-party data

Filling sub-national data system gaps with third-party data, such as citizen-generated or telecommunications data.

National-local data integration

What are methods for aligning and integrating national and sub-national SDG reporting systems?



This microgrant program, launched in 2018, seeded and supported local data innovations. In April 2019, we released guidance briefs profiling SDG localization challenges and grantee data solutions both unique and common to Aruba, Brazil, Colombia, India, and the U.S.A.


More from the LDA-SI Library