An initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics (TReNDS), is a global research network that facilitates better evidence-informed decision-making by producing actionable research on data innovations, supporting local capacity building in Global South institutions, and documenting both processes (to encourage replicability) and progress (being honest about successes and failures) so policymakers and practitioners, particularly those based in the Global South, can capitalize on new data technologies and approaches to address sustainable development challenges.

Our network of experts from across the global scientific, development, public, and private sector data communities work to strengthen the data ecosystem by advancing the use of more frequent, high-quality data to guide and spur progress and helping to ensure that the data revolution is grounded in strong expertise and evidence to achieve its promise of sustainable development for all.

Our strategic objectives

Develop timely, multi-sectoral, policy-relevant research and resources to inform the production and use of data for sustainable development and to strengthen local, national, and global statistical systems.

Test new approaches to data management and use through pilot projects and country partnerships, with a focus on countries in the Global South, and supporting these countries with technical expertise with an aim towards fostering replicable solutions.

Continue to serve as a leading data-oriented think-tank and advisory group working to facilitate connections between local and global data actors, governments, and academics to empower and capacitate them to navigate new data sources and methods to improve development outcomes.


More About TReNDS